Talina + Jeremy

Okay, I am about to get real, so no judgment. Talina & Patrick scheduled their maternity session with me and I no showed them. We said a specific date but didn’t specify the month. I thought they meant December, they meant November. The day for their session arrived and I was in getting a massage when I was suppose to be doing their photos. I came out of my massage to missed texts + calls from Talina, the guilt of failing my clients set in immediately. I called Talina back to forgiveness, and this girl gave me such grace. She was so understanding & kind, I knew I didn’t deserve her as my client. It made me realize we are all human, even business owners. We make mistakes, we forget things, but we must learn from those mistakes!

We rescheduled their maternity session & prayed for sun. The day for their maternity session arrived, once again. We had planned to have it at Vista House in the Gorge. Once we all were there, we realized the wind was just too much to handle. Winds so strong that we had to yell, just to have a conversation. We all loaded up and headed to my back up location. Thankfully, the sun we had prayed for showed up… along with the Oregon cold brisk air. I think we did their entire maternity session in under 45 mins, moving as quickly as we could to try to stay warm. Looking back at these, You’d never know it was 30 degrees with wind.
